Living alone in old age is a reality. Some people outlive their spouses, and children may migrate for economic reasons. Many people are happy living alone but some become lonely and isolated. Living alone can be risky in illness. If you live alone, or you know someone who does, here are some points that you should consider:


  • Confront anxiety by identifying what is causing it.


  • Translate your worries and fears into clear words.


  • Concentrate on those problems which you can influence and let the others go.


  • Taking several deep and slow breaths; and some easy physical exercises


  • Worry and anxiety result from harsh and unrealistic self-criticism. Think of a rational and objective answer to the problem that is worrying you.


  • Divide your worries into two categories: those that can be influenced and those that cannot be influenced.


  • When you feel yourself getting worried or anxious try to relax yourself by

If self-help techniques do not lighten your load of worries, consider seeking professional counselling. A trained professional can help you identify and alleviate your anxiety. Medicines are also available to alleviate your anxiety.

Finally, if you are a believer, pray to God for strength to accept the things that you cannot change, courage to change the things that you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.