Aparajit B. Dey
Venu Geriatric Care Center and Venu Charitable Society
Over the last three decades, Aparajit B. Dey has worked to establish geriatrics as a distinct discipline of medicine in India through service development, training, and generating evidence through research. Aparajit B. Dey has played an active role in the country’s national initiatives to promote geriatric health care, including through guiding the roll out of the National Program for the Health Care of the Elderly in India and establishing geriatric medicine as a distinct and feasible specialisation for physicians through the National Medical Commission.
Geriatrics sometimes suffers from ageist stereotypes of being seen as an unattractive or unrewarding clinical discipline. Aparajit B. Dey shows us that it is possible to transform the way geriatrics is seen into an exciting and truly impactful field that foster healthy ageing for all – for current and future generations of older people.
National Helpline for Senior Citizens
CALL (TOLL FREE) – 14567
Oldagesolutions.org is a web portal for older persons created as a part of Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly (TIDE ) programme of Science For Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED) Division of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for benefit of older people.
Are you able to perform these ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING as Senior Citizens?
Health tips for Elderly during COVID-19
Dr. Prashun Chatterjee, AIIMS talks about precautions to be taken by old age people
This video was recorded during the lockdowns, but the message given by Dr Prasun Chatterjee is still relevant. It answers some very simple but very important questions that we are facing in our day to day lives.
HelpAge India

HelpAge India is a leading charity in India working with and for disadvantaged elderly for nearly 4 decades. It was set up in 1978 and is registered under the societies’ Registration Act of 1860. HelpAge runs a Toll-free Elder Helpline across 21 state capitals in India offering assistance to elderly in need. The Helpline links elders to various institutions such as old age homes, hospitals, police, government and non-governmental organizations.
ELDER HELPLINE: 1800-180-1253
National Institute of Social Defence Help Line Number

- On May’21, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India launched a help line which is completely focused on senior citizen of India.
- The toll free number is 14567 and it is operating for 12 hours a day (8AM to 8PM)
- This help line, known as Elderline is presently fully functioning on 8 states in India, eg. Delhi, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telengana, Uttarpradesh and Uttarakhand.
- Elderline is also ready to launch on 22 mores states in India.
- Main objective of this is to provide information, guidance and emotional support to senior citizens along with field intervention in case of abuse and rescue of senior citizens to improve quality of life.